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International Pageant In Plastic Industry—K2007
Release time:2007-11-08

The No.1 International Plastic & Rubber fair—The 17th International Plastic & Rubber Fair (K2007) was held in Düsseldorf Germany from Otc.24-31, 2007. More than 2900 enterprises from 57 countries participated this fair. Our company also attended the show with mighty lineup.  This fair is strongly professional, large scale, numerous customers, multitudinous displayed products. During the show, our PET sheet extrusion line was making trial run on the spot which attracts various customers from different countries and regions of Turkey, UK, Russia, European-Union, Africa and Middle East. By serious discussion, several purchasing and cooperating intents come to an agreement. Through attending this fair, our enterprise has opportunity to go abroad, participating international competition actively, enhancing company’s repute as well as getting known of International development level, the new and the most advanced products and technical information, getting know of developing status in this industry and market.  Our company has been making a big progress in total level in recent years, we exert our own advantage to get some global market share. But through this K show, we realize there is a big gapin innovating technology and advanced equipment between us and foreign companies. It’s worthy of research and study carefully. It’s not bad in our  manufactured machinery’s equipment but there needs to be further improved in machinery stability, product varieties, screw output and integer machinery efficiency. We need to innovate independently and tackle key problem to improve ompetition power through which to make our products go forward the world.                 

注塑机 pet瓶胚注塑机 可司曼注塑机 恩格注塑机 伺服节能二板精密注塑机 锥形同向造粒机 全电动注塑机 果蔬筐专用机 宁波注塑机 伺服控制器 工业大吊扇 真空泵 永磁伺服电机 舟山双金属螺杆 平行双螺杆 锥形双螺杆机筒 造粒机螺杆 吹膜螺杆 发泡螺杆 注塑机螺杆 双合金机筒螺杆 挤出机螺杆 锥形同向双螺杆挤出机 立式注塑机螺杆 舟山恒星螺杆 富泰螺杆 平行双螺杆 PA尼龙系列 制冷设备专用润滑油 热塑性弹性体 可降解塑料 PC/ABS合金改性塑料 助剂 色母粒 ABS色母 增强尼龙 耐高温抗氧剂 复合袋胶带 乐福尔工贸 视觉导视 景优化工 酸碱性清洗剂 浙江省石墨烯制造业创新中心 挤出模具 建筑涂料 源海塑胶 国际原料